Mumbai: +91 22 2674 0109, +91 2226743308
Nasik: +91 253 2502614, +91-253-2502627

Our Strengths

  • Timely completion of all the projects
  • All our projects are hugely affordable
  • We have projects matching all the budgets & income groups
  • We offer land for investment/residential & development purposes
  • All the projects are free from legal hassles because of their clear title and all other legal procedures duly complied with
  • Excellent client service
  • Excellent connectivity to our projects
  • After sales assistance
  • Quality delivered is on par with the existing construction standards
  • Site visit assistance for all weekend home projects
We want to take this opportunity to thank you for making “our dream come true” possible.ASHOK KOTHARI, Pakona Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Their strong reputation among our friends, business associates and within the community made the decision easy to award our job to Khabiya Group. For my partners and myself, we are pleased to give Khabiya Group our highest recommendationUTTAM JAIN, Neon Laboratories Pvt. Ltd
The communication, quality of work and follow through were outstanding. Your staff is truly delighted with the new facility, morale and productivity both being positively impactedDR. PRAMOD JAIN, Business Associates